Recruitment Is a Marketing Job

The word scroll infinitely following a circular pathDownward arrow

Kitto is a strategic marketing agency for recruitment companies

Recruitment Used to Be a Sales Job

The word scroll infinitely following a circular pathDownward arrow

Kitto is a strategic marketing agency for recruitment companies

What we do

We work with recruitment companies to show what marketing can do.

We work with, or as, your marketing team  to help you make more placements.

It’s All Marketing

Blogs, videos, social posts, emails, InMails. They’re all marketing activities. And they’re things your consultants are spending a lot of time on.

It’s About Touchpoints

Clients and candidates want to do more research and make more decisions before they engage with you. That’s why having lots of easy to access, marketing based, touchpoints available online is so important. It builds familiarity and trust. 

Build It & They’ll Come

The only way to get to the holy grail of inbound leads is with great marketing. That takes time, effort and investment but we’ll work with you to get you there.

Kitto K emblem

Kitto Services

Strategy, training and coaching for recruitment and talent teams

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We pull what you’re doing apart and put it back together again in line with what you want to achieve.

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We help your teams build banging personal brands to amplify your reach online.

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All In

The big one. We do it all for you. Make a strategy and execute against it, including design, content creation, social media management, personal brand training, photography, video... the lot.

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Recruitment is a marketing job, so let’s get you better at marketing.

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